Wednesday, February 27, 2008

We have a diagnosis!

Miss Emily's OT Evaluation came in the mail today!! Not that anything she says in her report is a great surprise to me, but it's nice to have it in black & white that BabyGirl does indeed have SPD.

"BabyGirl is a 6 year old girl with obvious tactile appears that she has definite touch processing difficulties as well as behavioural outcomes of the processing. Her inability to tolerate textures and light touch impact her emotional responses as well as her ability to typically function in her environment."

Tomorrow I will take copies of the evaluation to school for Miss Dena so she can begin documenting & treating BabyGirl at school.

It may seem odd, but having an official diagnosis helps me. Now I don't feel like I have to qualify when I'm explaining to someone what's going on. I can simply state, "She suffers from a textile hypersensitivity sensory processing disorder." I wonder, can I get it printed on a shirt (for me of course, she'd never wear it)?


Anonymous said...

it's validation that your self diagnosis is correct. I'm so thankful and grateful you have a name to put with it. Never doubt your gut girl. Hugs to both you and babygirl.

Kork said...

I am SO glad that Miss Emily was able to get something official! Now we pray that the school district gives you no problems in letting Miss Dena get the things she needs, and be able to do appropriate therapy with BabyGirl at school!

Lots of hugs to you...and make your T-shirt...nothing a Sharpie and some stencils can't create right?!?!? :D