Friday, February 15, 2008

Big Fun with Miss Emily!

Today was the big day. We met Miss Emily at the hospital at 9 o'clock this morning. She is a God send. I cannot explain how wonderful it was to meet someone face to face who completely understood what we've been going through.

She came in and asked BabyGirl if she wanted to come play. BabyGirl was thrilled! Miss Emily asked her a ton of questions about everything from her clothes to bright lights to what kind of food she likes. BabyGirl was shockingly open with Miss Emily & was very good at explaining her problems. I was amazed. Normally BabyGirl doesn't want to tell people what's going on with her...not today. She knew this was the time & place & she told Miss Emily everything she needed to. That was a God thing!

They did some work on a therapy ball & then worked with scissors & pencils. All the while Miss Emily was explaining to me what they were doing & why. She asked me a ton of questions about BabyGirl & what we've observed. She sent me home with two questionairs & a small stack of papers about SPD.

We go back on Wednesday for the rest of the Eval. & Miss Emily is going to set up a sensory diet for BabyGirl that we can do at home (a routine of things to help her...therapy at home so to speak). With a good sensory diet at home, and therapy at school (which Miss Emily said she could set up as well), BabyGirl may only have to go to the hospital to see Miss Emily once a month or so.

She said the trampoline that Husband bought was a wonderful thing to have. She also suggested an exercise ball (which I picked up today) for BabyGirl to set on while she does her home work. She told me that many of the things they'd do would seem to have nothing to do with BabyGirl's textile hypersensitivity, but the goal is to make her entire body (nervous system) function as a cohesive unit. Kind of a fix it all to fix the one approach.

I've been working on my homework & anxiously looking forward to Wednesday. Oh, and I called Miss Dena (the school's OT) to see what she needs. All she needs is the OT evaluation from Miss Emily stating BabyGirl does indeed have SPD. Then she will have BabyGirl labled as developmentally delayed (since the schools don't recognize SPD as a condition at this point). That means she can begin to work with her once a week at school. She said if Miss Emily can set up a program for BabyGirl to do at school, that would help her get the equipment she needs. If she sets up the program on her own, she may have to stick to what ever equipment she has on hand.

BabyGirl told her Daddy, "I really like Miss Emily. She's really nice & a lot of fun! We played a lot!" That's the best part of this all. I truly believe Kork was right when she said God sent Miss Emily here for us. I have no doubt.


Grace said...

I'm so glad you're getting somewhere finally! Take a big breath!

Anonymous said...

so glad you were able to get some positive results. so relieved prayers are being answered

Mommy to 4 little people said...

Oh thank God things went so well! You guys are definately in my thoughts and prayers.

Nan said...

I'm glad things are moving in the right direction for BabyGirl. You've both been in my prayers.

Kork said...

God is good! I'm praying for today and the rest of the evaluation.

I KNOW that God works in ways we don't understand, and I know that no matter what you're feeling right now, God has His hands on you all, and He is working with Miss Emily, Miss Dena, and the school district to get this situation corrected, and BabyGirl back to some semblance of normal childhood.

Hugs and love to you...