Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Day 2 & Like Mother Like Daughter

Day two: dressed & out the door with no fighting!! I should admit that I've made sure the one pair of underpants she'll wear are clean every morning, but that's a small price to pay for peace.

Last week I was going through the check list for BabyGirl's OT to include in her eval report. As I marked the issues BabyGirl has & the degree to which certain issues affect her, I began seeing myself in many of the answers. (This isn't the same as the check list I used, but it is similar if you're interested: http://www.sensory-processing-disorder.com/sensory-processing-disorder-checklist.html)

I cannot abide being touched lightly & unexpectedly. I can't tell you how many times one of the kids has brushed the back of my leg while I was washing dishes only to have me scream & nearly kick them. I am very ticklish & attributed my aversion to light touches to that, but now I'm wondering if there isn't more to it. Being very ticklish can be a symptom of SPD as well. I get dizzy easily (I can ride roller coasters all day long with no motion sickness, but put me on a Tilt-a-Whirl & you may want to duck. It will not be pretty), I can't even watch the kids ride on the merry-go-round at the mall with out getting queasy. I'm generally clumsy. I cannot bear to shake hands with anyone who doesn't have a firm grasp on my hand. Wrinkles in the bed sheets can drive me crazy (not little, needs to be ironed wrinkles. Big, not tucked in properly wrinkles), and I have to straighten out the blankets with great frequency. As a child I tucked every thing in. QM often said if I could have tucked my dresses into my tights I would have. If the heels of my shoes slipped even a little I didn't want to wear them (and with the horribly narrow heels I have, that meant we made twice yearly trips to St.Louis to have my dress shoes custom made).

While I am in no way belittling what my daughter goes through (I know my issues pale in comparison to having your clothes feel as if they're made of fiberglass), I can see where she gets this. I wonder if SPD is genetic. QM & Busha share some of my issues as well. On the message boards there are many parents with more than one child with SPD.

I only hope none of the other 3 kids suffer like BabyGirl has.


Anonymous said...

oh sweety..I hope you find answers that you seek. hugs.

Kork said...

I had never thought of any of those things as being related to what BabyGirl is going through, but that makes me wonder...so far we are blessed with no issues of any sorts with Captain Chaos and Tiny Princess, but it does make you wonder...and pray harder than before for continued health for your children!