Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Baby Sister, DDS

As BabyGirl's bedtime routine has become rather involved lately, most nights (if Bitsy is still awake), I put the play pen in front of the TV, put in the Baby Einstein Lullaby DVD, and plop Bitsy in with a few toys. Then BabyGirl & I curl up with a book, read, cuddle, and end our day.

Tonight as I was getting the DVD ready, BabyGirl was entertaining her sister. Suddenly she yelled help then began screaming. I turned around to find BabyGirl with a mouth full of blood & a very dangly tooth. The tooth's been loose, but wasn't quite ready to come out. Apparently Bitsy disagreed because she nearly pulled it out!

A traumatized BabyGirl finished the task, but was not happy about it. I hope the gold dollar tucked inside her tooth fairy pillow will make up for it.

1 comment:

Ht's Princess said...

It's Ok Baby-girl! unkle preacher-man threatened to pull mine out with pliers. Did the dollar make up for it?