Wednesday, December 10, 2008


I feel as though we've taken a giant step backwards. BabyGirl refuses to do her OT. She wants nothing to do with her sensory diet. And now dressing is becoming a battle ground again. It's not the daily battle it was last year, but this morning was one of the worst mornings we've had in nearly a year.

She sat on her bed crying & repeating, "I don't know what to wear. I just don't know what." After almost 15 minutes spent trying to help her decide & talking over choices I left the room in frustration. I told her I had to fix #1 Son's coat & she had until I was done to make a decision or I'd be dressing her myself.

When I came back in, nothing had changed. I proceeded to attempt to dress her & things went to hades quickly. In the end, Husband & I had to physically restrain & dress her. Then he had to carry her kicking & screaming to the truck.

I know many people would wonder why we even take her to school on days like this. There are actually two answers to that question. #1. By the time she's in the school building (many days before the truck even gets to school), she has calmed down & even if still angry, goes willingly into class. And #2. If we kept her home every time this happened (if we chose not to dress her & carry her fighting out the door), she'd still be in first grade having missed nearly the entire first semester. I really don't want the truant officer calling and asking why my child is never at school.

This morning I am shaken, upset, frustrated, angry, and worried all over again.