Saturday, March 22, 2008

More Baby Steps

Went to see Miss Emily yesterday. Spent a good deal of time talking about bed time (could just be behavioral...yippee) and the GFCF diet. Miss Emily said not to go cold turkey with gluten & wheat. She compared it to an addiction & said that would be too hard on BabyGirl's system.

She also added blowing to the at home sensory diet. Blowing bubbles, pinwheels (which of course I couldn't find yesterday at the store), cotton balls around with a straw...BabyGirl loves the idea.

We picked up Almond milk (which so far BabyGirl will have none of) and GF mac & cheese (yes, I know... cheese=casein & therefore defeats half the purpose, but we're starting small, remember?) at the local health food store.

We're going back to see Miss Emily on Tuesday. Since I still haven't heard from the school's OT, I'm going to up BabyGirl's visits to Miss Emily to once a week. BabyGirl is thrilled as is Miss Emily. They love each other. I am so glad!

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