Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Mixing things up BabyGirl style.

Daddy called me last night. He asked how things were going with BabyGirl. I told him our mornings have improved GREATLY. Bedtime, not so much.

I'm much more flexible about what she wears, and she's not fighting when it's time to get dressed. She may only wear three different outfits, but there is no screaming. I think it's a fair trade. And the single pair of underpants she's been attached to has been swapped out (granted, she doesn't know that, but what she doesn't know won't hurt us). There are three pairs of identical underpants & I've been swapping them out on a regular basis.

While I'm still a bit worried about what's going to happen when she has to get new clothes, I'm also much less stressed out by her behavior in general. This summer, when she's living in sundresses once again, her "favorite pants" will have to be lost. I'm praying she'll find a new favorite pair before next fall. (On a fabulous note, she wore Khaki pants and a blue shirt to school today that haven't seen the light of day since before Christmas!!)

Bedtime has become an issue again. She used to go to bed with little to no problem. Then about the time her clothing issues became unmanageable, she started fighting at bed time as well. So we worked on it. For a while we developed a great bed time routine & it was really working for us. She would take a bath, watch a little TV or play, have a snack & a cup of milk, read a good long story, put in her bedtime CD, then cuddle with me in her bed for about 10-15 minutes, then I'd leave & she's sing until she fell asleep. Things were peaceful & calm.

Lately things have fallen apart again. She doesn't want to stay in bed. She won't go to sleep. She gets belligerent & angry. She argues, fights, runs, cries....she goes into full meltdown mode. And if it's not a full on come apart, it's just a long drawn out argument. I get frustrated. She doesn't get the sleep she so desperately needs.

Daddy told me that's what he & QM would be praying about. Last night was a breeze (compaired to the past 4 nights). I couldn't lay & cuddle with her because Bitsy was having a fit alone in her play pen & Husband was already in bed (he worked very late the night before & was exhausted after a full day of running & dealing with the new truck). BabyGirl got up once to go to the bathroom & asked me to come cuddle once Bitsy fell asleep. I told her I'd try, but full expected to spend the next hour fighting to keep her in bed (Monday night I had to lay with BabyGirl a full 45 minutes to get her to settle down enough for me to leave her alone). She never got up again. By the time I got Bitsy settled, BabyGirl was out cold.

Thank the Lord!


Anonymous said...

sounds like you have your hands full

Brando said...

Has it been even worse after the time change?

Cuase Yin & Yuri usually have no bedtime issues, but this week has been a mess. They are not tired at bedtime becuase their bodies think it is an hour earlier and then they are exhausted in the AM.

Good luck! I will say a prayer for you all.

Mrs. Darling said...

Tink, 11 years old, falls asleep in our bed aevery night. Her bedtime is before ours so when we go to bed we move her to her bed. This is fine with her as long as she doesnt have to fall asleep in her own bed. She thinks there are bugs in her bed!