Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Baby Steps

First of all, do you see that? That is my daughter Sunday morning wearing clothes in the house while watching TV. She even has her hair pulled up (a big no-no very recently). She just came out of her room fully dressed, wearing jewelry, asking for a ponytail!!

How this child doesn't fall off the bed in her sleep is beyond me. The picture is from one of the many nights she refused to sleep in her own bed. The issue comes and goes now. Most nights she starts going to bed around 8 o'clock & finally accomplishes the task around 9 o'clock. Then she'll lay in bed & sing until she falls asleep. I'm trying to be less rigid about it. Even if she doesn't give up & fall asleep until 10 o'clock, that's still 9 hours of sleep. I'd rather she get more, but it's not like she's really sleep deprived.

I'm still mulling over the GF/CF diet. One of the mothers on the SPD message board said she found it kind of funny that I consider this a huge step. I thought cutting two of the major food groups out of my child's diet is pretty major. She meant because they've been doing it do long it's second nature.

Today is picture day at school. BabyGirl picked out a red plaid skort & long sleeve turtle neck top that had belonged to Art's Syd. I've always loved the outfit, but BabyGirl's never worn it more than 10 minutes at a time & never out of the house. She even put on knee socks. She hasn't willingly worn a pair of socks in months. Today she was thrilled to put it all on...until it came time to put on her shoes.

She wanted to wear an old pair of black Mary Janes that are a 9 1/2. She's been wearing a pair of size 11 loafers for the past 4 months or so. She really needs about a 10 1/2. When the Mary Janes were too tight she wanted to change her entire outfit. It was time to go out the door, so I wouldn't let her change. The waterworks began & I felt bad sending her to school crying, but if we'd have gone back in her room to change it would have taken a good 20 minutes & ended in a total meltdown.

Husband said she took off the socks once she got to school, but it wasn't the normal screaming strip-down in the truck on the way.

Oh, and the jeans I bought that she hated...she tried them on again Sunday & decided they're OK. They've been washed & are waiting in the drawer for her to wear them out. Keep your fingers crossed.

Baby steps.


Anonymous said...

small baby steps forward are better than no steps at all...I'm glad to see you're making progress. love to ya'll

Anonymous said...

I noticed at church she had clothes I hadn't seen her wear for awhile and a beaded necklace! she is pretty no matter what she wears! I can't wait until she gets her glasses!

Ht's Princess said...

I completely understand where Babygirl is coming from with the shoes not working and having to change her outfit! If you have put together an outfit down to the shoes and the jewelry and something doesn't fit right you have to change the whole thing maybe even down to your panties. Ask your Uncle Axl about all that. I can't tell ya how many times I've done that to him.

I can't believe your hair is that long!!!!