Sunday, March 30, 2008

Backwards Steps

Yesterday we had the first full blown, screaming, crying, fighting, crazed meltdown BabyGirl's had since we started therapy. We needed to go to town & she didn't want to go. She wouldn't get dressed & the rest was history. I'd nearly forgotten how bad things could get. Don't have to worry about forgetting that for a while.

Bed time is still a battle...I'm not seeing much difference with the cut back in her diet. I'll try it a bit longer, but if I don't see some major changes soon, I'm not going to stick with it. There's not much point in going through the trouble & expense if it's not going to help.

At this point I'm pretty desperate for summer to get here. These kids need a dry yard & somewhere to run. When it is dry, it's been too cold to take Bitsy out. The others aren't old enough to be turn loose on their own yet...If only we had a fenced in play yard.
The picture is a collection of things we use in her sensory diet. I thought I'd share. She goes from loving her stuff to wanting nothing at all to do with it. Sometimes it's hard keeping her interested. Last night I let her take a bubble bath. I gave her a straw to blow bubbles in the tub with, a bottle of bubble solution to blow bubbles with, and a pinwheel to blow on. Afterwards, she played with the thera-putty while I cleaned up a mess the boys made in her room.
Then she fell apart at bed time because she wanted to watch Nancy Drew. Ugh.

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