Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Get behind me, Google...Updated

Grace, I took your advice & stayed away from the least as far as SPD goes. I did read blogs, but did no research & did not once Google anything about sensory issues. It helped a great deal.

I have come to a conclusion. I need to open my mind up to other possibilities. I need to let go of my death grip on SPD. That may very well be the problem. I still think it is the problem. But I need to accept the fact that it may not be the only problem. There may be an underlying cause. If I don't come to terms with this now, I could be in for a very hard time later on.

I called the Special Ed coordinator yesterday at the suggestion of BabyGirl's principal. I had to leave a voice mail & haven't heard back from her yet. If she doesn't call back by this afternoon, I'll try again. I also haven't heard back from Doc's office about Riley's. That's two calls to make.

After that, I promise to either sew something or read a nice piece of fiction having nothing at all to do with child development.


Updated at 3:24 pm- I called the Special Ed Coordinator at the school. She was in meetings all day yesterday & couldn't get back to me. She is sending the OT to do an informal evaluation of BabyGirl & then they'll get ahold of me. I explained a little to her about the situation because I'm not sure how much BabyGirl feels comfortable telling people right now.

After that, Doc's office called me. They talked to Riley's about us seeing a doctor in Evansville (which is an hour & a half from us) as opposed to driving the three hours to Indianapolis. Riley's said there was no sense in BabyGirl seeing a doctor until she'd been tested. They want her to see the school's OT. After that they'll determine if more testing is needed & possibly send us to Easter Seals. I'm assuming this means Riley's wants to explore SPD before they start testing for medical problems.

And just so you know, I've been reading Lady Susan by Jane Austen all day. If you click on the link, you can read along. Pretty nifty.


Anonymous said...


Hang in there..Saying Prayers.

Anonymous said...

it' s me again I'm glad the ball is rolling and it's moving forward for you..

Enjoy your read.

Lauren said...

I'm so proud of you for giving yourself a reading break! Praying for you to have peace and patience through the process.

Samantha said...

It sounds like things are moving in a positive direction. Everything that needs to be happening is and fairly quickly. I'm glad that she will be seeing an OT so soon. If it doesn't end up being SPD then at least you have that question answered and hopefully professionals at hand who can offer more advice.

I'll be praying for Baby Girl tomorrow.