Friday, April 4, 2008

Night two

She got up about 3 minutes after I tucked her in tonight & told me she couldn't fall asleep. To which I replied, "You should probably try laying still for more than 3minutes." Since she caught me nursing Bitsy, she got to wait around for about 20 minutes & play with her brothers' toy cars. When I tucked her in the second time, she stayed there. No fighting. No crying. Night two. PTL!!

There was a minor meltdown this afternoon over the computer. I was talking to the Queen Mother on the phone & BabyGirl & #1 Son started fighting over the computer. I set the timer giving him 5 more minutes before he had to relinquish it to his sister. I left the room & blows were exchanged. I promptly turned off the computer & told them it was done for the night. #1 Son ran off crying. BabyGirl screamed at me. "Idiot!" This is her favorite thing to call people. It does not go over well. Not even a little bit.

I took her to her room & she had a come apart. Last week I was talking to Inkling on the phone when BabyGirl screamed at me about something. She screamed once, then went on about her business. I told Inkling that a month ago that would have been a full 20 minute melt down. I was so thankful for just that scream.

Sometimes I worry that people think we are too lenient with her. I really need to stop worrying about things like that. No one else lives with her. No one else knows what kind of battles are really worth fighting on a daily basis. Sometimes I do not choose my battles wisely. I'm trying to remedy that.

Just my thoughts tonight.

1 comment:

Kork said...

Go easy on yourself Farmie. At this point, any disciplinary actions that don't result in a screaming tantrum for any of the kids is a good thing. As BabyGirl is getting better you can implement changes in the disciplinary world IF YOU SEE FIT.

It is easy for people to judge based only on what they hear or see from the outside. And we all worry about what folks think of our parenting. No one wants to be "that mom" that lets her kid throw a fit in the shopping cart on Saturday morning at Wal-Mart, but let's face it. When you have to wrestle 3 kids into their respective seats in the van and drive into town (no matter if its half a mile of half an hour), you are there and you are going to get your shopping done if it is the last thing you do, and the other shoppers be darned! They don't know what you go through, and all that you must face simply to get into the van right?

Lots of hugs, and I know that you love your kiddos, and are doing your best. No one said being a parent was a piece of cake...just ask your own!