Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Summertime & the livin' ain't easy.

Yikes! I didn't realize how long it's been since I posted here. March?! That can't be right...OK, no, it was April.

BabyGirl is doing pretty well with her clothing & bedding at the moment. She's not thrilled with clothes, but for the most part, she will get dressed without a major fight. She's been told come Friday naked time is over. She will be 7 years old on Friday. That's far too old to be running 'round in her birthday suit.

I started this when she was 4. On her fourth birthday, she was told, no more naked time. Then when she turned 5, then 6....and I'm pretty sure most Christmases in between. Until this year we didn't understand what we were dealing with. Now we have a handle on it, I'm hoping it will be easier to deal with. She understands & seems to be OK with it...but wants to be naked (or half clothed) until absolutely necessary.

Quite a few behavioral issues have reared their ugly heads. She's very mouthy. She likes to hit the boys if they cross her in any way. "You're not the boss of me!" has become her favorite phrase. I'm cracking down pretty hard this summer on these things.

But she's also learning more coping skills. She spends a great deal of time outside. Her dad's usually busy with his chores & I'm in the house with her, so she has to learn to deal with issues on her own. She's also become a HUGE help with Bitsy. She adores her baby sister & that works to our advantage in many ways.

I cannot believe she'll be seven in two days! Where has the time gone? Oh, I remember....it was spent wrestling her into clothing!

1 comment:

Sondra said...

I really appreciated this honest look into life~it sounds like my baby girlie, too! (((((HUGS))))) sandi